"Sbez Hot Sauce delivers deep flavor thanks to charred peppers, blistered garlic and cheffy infusions of seasonal fresh fruit — some from local farmers markets, some dropped off by neighbors who’ve become fans of the fiery product line." - LA Times

Born out of the back of LA kitchens

We made Sbez Hot Sauce so we could offer something different: something hand crafted, something hot, flavorful and not commercially produced. Made with locally sourced ingredients and peak seasonal produce, our sauces are as flavorful as they are hot. Picture a spicy hug for your food instead of a puddle on your plate. You’ve got to light it up to burn it down. 

Hot [off the] Press

  • "When life gave chef Spencer Bezaire lemons and a shutdown, he made citrusy hot sauce."

  • "We've been digging Speaking In Tongues, a green hot sauce heavy on charred onion and Meyer lemon."

  • "We loved them so much that we asked Bezaire to design a new industry-themed sauce."

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